Faith (1)


Music has a power of it’s own that can speak to your soul. The Bible says …….. Find music that you find to be soothing, inspirational and that touches you at your very core and lose yourself in it. When you are feeling overwhelmed or are looking for inspiration use music as one of your tools. Here is a list of music that I have found to do just that. Discover your own!

Music can have a very calming effect of an individual. It can motivate, inspire and sooth the soul. When you connect with the right song it can lift your spirit and help you forget your troubles, if only for the moment. Seek our music that works for you. And lose yourself in its mystique


Who doesn’t love a good movie. Like music they can serve you in many ways. Start with some of those listed and see what they can do for you.


Books contain the answers to anything and everything that man has ever discovered. In addition, the ultimate book, The Bible, is the one book that says it all about everything you will ever need to know to live a happy and righteous life. Spend some time reading and you will discover a whole new world.